Cartime Stories

"Homecoming" - Part Two

Cartime Stories Season 1 Episode 49

Jalen and his brother Elijah work to revive their family farm, facing community skepticism and sabotage from wealthy rival Tanner. Despite equipment failures and property damage, they persevere. As harvest nears, Tanner escalates by manipulating bureaucracy. The Agriculture Commissioner visits with dubious claims of violations. Just as Jalen feels overwhelmed, Candice Brown, a young black lawyer, arrives unexpectedly to help. Jalen is immediately smitten with her beauty and competence, ending the act with renewed hope as she takes charge of the legal issues.

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Homecoming - Part Two

By Dave Fox

When Jalen returned home, he scoured the property, his surveyor's eye identifying areas that could be reclaimed from nature's relentless encroachment. With a ferocious work ethic, the brothers toiled side-by-side from sunrise until the moon crested the horizon. Overgrown fields were carefully tilled, irrigation lines repaired, and the first seedlings planted with reverence for the soil that had sustained generations.

As the first emerald shoots of defiance poked through the scarred earth, rumors about Jalen's return and a burgeoning revival at the Reynolds farm began to snake their way through the predominantly white township. The whispers carried a curious mix of emotions. Some, hardened by years of prejudice, viewed the brothers' efforts with a skeptical sneer. The notion of two Black men single-handedly resurrecting their land sat uneasily with their deeply ingrained biases. Others, harboring a flicker of hope, watched with cautious optimism. Could these tenacious brothers truly reclaim what had been stolen?

They all felt the weight of history pressing down on the Reynolds farm. Tanner's shadow loomed large, his wealth a constant reminder of the power he wielded. It was an open secret that he held a grudge, his pride bruised by Jalen's defiant stand. Whispers spoke of the influence he could exert on banks, markets, and even local officials. The potential for sabotage hung heavy in the air, a silent threat clinging to every fragile sprout that dared to dream of sunlight.

However, amidst these whispers, a different melody emerged, a faint counterpoint to the undercurrent of doubt. Stories of the brothers' tireless work ethic, unwavering spirit, and the murmurs of "magic" witnessed by some who saw the land's unexpected fertility began to circulate. This nascent belief, fragile as it was, sparked a flicker of defiance in the hearts of some townsfolk. Could something genuinely remarkable be brewing on that ravaged patch of earth? With their calloused hands and indomitable spirit, the Reynolds brothers might rewrite the script laid out for them.

Indeed, the retaliation was short in coming. Tanner, a viper in a seersucker suit, employed a web of Machiavellian tactics designed to demoralize and exhaust the Reynolds brothers into submission. The first blow was subtle: a series of seemingly random equipment failures. Tractors sputtered and coughed, their engines groaning under a phantom strain. Seed deliveries, meticulously planned and pre-paid for, vanished without a trace. Then came the targeted disruptions. Meticulously repaired fences were mysteriously cut overnight, sending prized livestock stampeding onto the highway, causing chaos and jeopardizing the safety of both animals and drivers.

Through the long, sleepless nights, Jalen's wartime instincts sharpened to a keen edge and became a tireless sentinel. He instituted nightly watches, his gaze scanning the horizon for any flicker of movement, any sign of trespass. Under Jalen's tutelage, Elijah learned the art of field reconnaissance, his youthful energy channeled into scouting their borders. The farm became a fortress, its perimeter secured with a ruthless efficiency born of desperation. The quiet hum of activity at night — hammering, tightening wires — became a constant reminder of their precarious situation.

Tanner's relentless pressure, however, proved futile in achieving its intended effect. The sabotage, though initiated with fervor, quickly fizzled out. It's remarkable what the sound of a 12-gauge shotgun can do to the bravado of potential intruders, regardless of their incentives. Jalen, an unyielding bastion of resolve, had made the Reynolds Farm an impenetrable fortress. Once a symbol of defeat, it now stood proudly defiant, a beacon of hope amid an onslaught of adversity.

As the first harvest approached, offering a promising yield and a ray of hope for the Reynolds farm's future, Tanner unveiled his most insidious scheme yet. Orchestrating a relentless bureaucratic assault, he aimed to strangle their livelihood through endless red tape and legal maneuvers. This attack wouldn't rely on equipment failures or physical damage; instead, it would wage war on a different front – the suffocating battlefield of bureaucracy. By leveraging strict enforcement of arcane regulations and bureaucratic hurdles, Tanner sought to entangle the brothers in a web of administrative burdens, draining their resources and sapping their resolve. With an unlimited budget, Tanner aimed to bleed out the Reynolds brothers using a far more insidious foe, the government.

One sweltering afternoon, beneath the scorching sun, a gleaming black car rumbled to a skidding halt outside the Reynolds farmhouse, sending a cloud of red dust billowing into the air. Jalen, his brow damp with sweat, watched warily as a wiry figure emerged from the vehicle. This was Thomas Crowley, the state's Agriculture Commissioner, a man whose name carried weight, though few had ever laid eyes on him. Known for his reclusive nature, Crowley seldom ventured beyond the comfort of the corrupt capitol of Columbia, where he wielded his power with impunity, lining his pockets with bribes and kickbacks.

"Mr. Reynolds," Crowley greeted him, his voice clipped and official. "There seems to be a discrepancy with your farm's licensing."

Jalen's gut knotted as Crowley's demeanor, a slick facade masking more profound deceit, permeating the entire landscape. It dawned on Jalen that this visit was a strategic maneuver in Tanner's elaborate game of manipulation and exploitation. The foul scent of corruption wafted from Crowley, a tangible presence that weighed heavily on the atmosphere. It was a stark reminder of the daunting adversaries he and his brother faced. Though whispers of Tanner's influence had circulated, this encounter laid bare the undeniable truth of their collusion, solidifying the reality of their predicament.

Crowley unfolded a sheaf of papers, his lips pursed. "According to our records, your farm needs the proper 'Sustainable Practices Implementation Brevet' and the 'Locally Sourced Produce Exemption Permit.' Additionally, a routine resource audit has flagged potential environmental violations."

Jalen gritted his teeth. Each accusation was a meticulously crafted hurdle, a bureaucratic barrier designed to delay, disrupt, and ultimately derail their harvest. It was classic Tanner – a web of legalese spun to entangle them in a legal quagmire.

"These permits and audits seem rather sudden," Jalen countered, his voice calm despite the rising anger. "We've been operating under the guidance of the local agricultural extension for months."

Crowley's expression remained impassive. "Unfortunately, regulations change, Mr. Reynolds. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines or even license suspension." The unspoken threat hung heavy in the air.

Jalen met Crowley's gaze, his resolve hardening. "We've followed all the proper procedures, Commissioner. I assure you, we have the necessary documentation." 

Crowley studied him for a long moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. Finally, with a curt nod, he returned the papers to his briefcase. "See that you do, Mr. Reynolds. My office will be conducting a follow-up inspection soon." With that, he climbed back into his car and sped away, leaving a cloud of dust and a trail of uncertainty in his wake.

Back inside the farmhouse, Jalen slammed his fist on the table. Tanner might have used backroom deals to manipulate the system, but Jalen wouldn't back down. He spent the next few nights buried in paperwork, trying desperately to understand the intricate spider's web of regulations that seemed intentionally confusing and opaque. This was a different battle, fought not with weapons but with the bureaucratic maze of legalese, or "lawfare," for which Jalen was not fully built or equipped to comprehend.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of purple and orange, Jalen found himself lost in a whirlwind of paperwork, a labyrinth of legal jargon that threatened to engulf him. The previous day's events still lingered in his mind like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over his resolve. But just as the morning began to settle into the rhythm of a new day, a knock came at the door.

Jalen's heart skipped a beat as he approached the door, his footsteps heavy with anticipation, his mind racing with questions. "What now?" he wondered silently. With a sense of trepidation, he swung the door open, and there she stood – a vision of beauty that momentarily took his breath away. Ms. Candice Brown, a young, black lawyer sent by "others in the community," whose identities she refused to reveal, arrived to aid in his fight against Tanner.

  Standing before him, radiating confidence, intelligence, and a sparkle of determination, she introduced herself with a voice like music to his ears. "Mr. Reynolds, my name is Candice Brown," she said, her voice a melody of sweetness akin to honey and cinnamon. "I understand you've been visited by Mr. Crowley from the Agriculture department. I'm here to help."

  Despite the weight of the situation pressing down on him, Jalen couldn't help but be mesmerized by her presence. She was unlike anyone he had ever seen or met – unbelievably gorgeous, clearly whip-smart if she was a lawyer in these times, and fiercely independent enough to knock on a man's door without an escort in the evening. Jalen invited her inside with little more than a "Would you like to come in?" Candice brushed past him into the house without a word, leaving Jalen both awestruck and hopeful.

Could this be someone who understood the intricacies of the legal system, someone who could help him navigate the bureaucratic nightmare that Crowley had unleashed upon him? Tongue-tied, Jalen could only offer an invite to the kitchen table. 

"Have they sent you any notices?" Ms Brown asked abruptly, despite her urge to confess her support for his quest to save the farm against the corrupt avalanche he'd been exposed to. 

"Yes. Yes, they're here," said Jalen, scrambling to find the papers amongst the piles. "Just arrived after Crowley's visit. The next day, actually." 

Ms. Brown perused the documents.

Jalen tried to offer her what little information he understood, "From what I gather, they're trying to…" 

But Ms. Brown waved him off with a confident smile." I've got this," she assured him. "You look tired. Go to bed. You need to wake up in the morning and make this farm profitable. I'll handle the rest."

With those words, a weight lifted off Jalen's shoulders. For the first time in days, he felt a glimmer of hope—hope that with Ms. Brown's expertise and determination, they could overcome Tanner's underhanded tactics and reclaim what was rightfully theirs.

"Thank you," said Jalen, standing up from the kitchen table. "Is there anything you need? Coffee? Water? Bourbon?"

Ms. Brown looked up at him.

"Although, I must confess," Jalen continued. "I'm a little light on the bourbon."

"That's okay," Ms. Brown chuckled. "I have work to do."

"As well as the coffee, truth be told," Jalen further admitted, embarrassingly. 

"I'll be fine, Mr. Reynolds," Ms. Brown smiled broadly.

  If there was a Heaven for Jalen, who had witnessed all that Hell had to offer, it was in that moment. He melted. A guardian angel was in his home, and he had seen her firsthand.

"Go to sleep," she smiled, playfully shooing him away.

Still beaming, Jalen backed up and finally turned to walk down the hallway towards his room. Just steps before reaching his room, with a massive smile, Elijah emerged from his, rubbing his eyes. "I heard voices," Elijah mumbled. "Is there someone here?"

"Go back to sleep, brother," Jalen said while helping Elijah back into his room.

"Yeah, okay," replied Elijah, believing the voices may have been a dream. Before flopping on his bed, he added, "Goodnight," to Jalen.

"Goodnight," Jalen replied, for once happy and believing it was a good night after all.

Before twisting the doorknob to his bedroom, Jalen wondered whether to return to the kitchen and help Ms. Brown. While he may be unable to help her, he just wanted to spend more time with her. It took every ounce of his willpower to enter his room and leave her alone, dealing with his problems. But there was something in her countenance, her confidence, that he knew would be more of a distraction than a help. As he climbed into bed, he figured he'd just nap. A couple of hours. Then, he could wake up and make her breakfast. Something. With these thoughts and hopes of interacting with Ms. Brown again, Jalen fell asleep at peace for the first time in months.